Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

Rilis SLiMS/Senayan 3 stable 15 (Matoa) dan Portable Senayan 3.14

SLiMS/Senayan 3 - stable15 (matoa) telah dirilis dan bisa didownload di http://slims.web.id/web/?q=node/1. Perbaikannya antara lain:

- Fixed: Loan receipt always pop even when there are no circulation transactions
- Added: User no need to modify sysconfig.inc.php to make local customization. It is also not recommended. Use sysconfig.local.inc.php instead.
- Added: Download Loan History and current loan for member (in member login).
- Fixed: improve image viewer handling using OpenHTMLpop.
- Added: lib/minigalnano/createthumb.php for alternative in thumbnail generating to phpThumb. Including modify it to meet slims need: flexible width/height resize and caching.
- Added: UCS is now separated package from SLiMS distribution.
- Fixed: remove UCS variables from SLiMS distribution.
- Added: Author and Topic/Subject structure changes.
- Fixed: change unique key for master topic table.
- Fixed: add author year field for author master table in SQL install script.
- Fixed: install and upgrade script fix.
- Fixed: change classification to call number in item list.
- Fixed: update SQL statement in biblio for publish_year and year in search_biblio.
- Fixed: change 'series' to series_title in install/senayan/sql for search_biblio Table.
- Fixed: biblio index error on series title search.
- Fixed: upgrade script for stable15.
- Fixed: search error on publisher.
- Fixed: ajax history error after saving data and causing wrong page to display.
- Fixed: error on system backup because of already defined constant.
- Fixed: removing urlencode function usage.
- Fixed: bugs fixing for series_title in custom frontpage.
- Added: improve XML mods based support in SLiMS.
- Added: Add tools for searching orphaned topic/author in masterfile module.
- Added: Add Email support for sending notification in due date warning and overdue list (using PHPMailer Library).
- Added: Thai language.
- Added: 74% arabic translation.
- Fixed: terrafirma template and language file (id_ID).
- Fixed: AJAX circuation error on circulation transaction.
- Fixed: birthdate exp on membership.
- Added: update security.
- Added: set item status to missing when finishing stocktake.

2 komentar:

  1. selamat siang...

    perkenalkan saya fredi dari lampung..., saya pengguna slims dan saya mencoba install slims di localhost kemudian ketika saya buka ke http://localhost/slims tampil halaman depan slims namuk ketika saya ke tabs menu seperti login pustakawan misalnya, namun tidak bisa muncul halaman login atau ke informasi perpustakaan juga tidak muncul, mohon pencerahan apakan kesalahan di kompi saya. demikian atas bantuan dan pencerahannya kami ucapkan terima kasih...

  2. gabung di http://slims.web.id/forum/ untuk diskusi lanjut
